recently a lots of our clients asked this question.
As they may want to program a SPI EEPROM for thunderbolt's paramerters, I guessed.
Before, we have built in this function for internal testing purpose.
finally one of our clients try to plug in SPI EEPROM and found out ZC2511 could recognize EEPROM.
then it's time to open this function to every one.
what ever your programmer is ZC2511, ZC2502 or ZC2512 could support programming SPI EEPROM.
Just updating to the latest firmware and sameprog.
After connecting to your SPI EEPROM.
right click on the SAMEPROG's drop zone.
you will find a new item appeared inside the menu which is called "EEPROM SET"
or you can select advanced configuration to open the window,
you will also see EEPROM SET Button in the left lower side.
Please note that EEPROM SET Button will disappear when there is none of SPI EEPROM on SPI1 or SPI2 port.
Press EEPROM SET to select the correct settings for your SPI EEPROM Chip.
As SPI EEPROM without a mapping manufacture id to know its vnedors, product number and capacity as SPI flash.
that why need to select by yourself.
for example, I will need to program CSI 25128
refer to the spec,
vendor should select ON Semiconductor
Bus should select 25
and product number should select CAT25128
then the chip size and page size will also be selected.
then choose OK.
Setting is completed.
now you can choose target file to program and vefiy by press excute button.
or quit from advanced configuration window,
just using drag and drop your taeget file to drop zone to finish programming and verifying.
as SAMEPROG will memorize your last time configuration on SPI EEPROM part
notice that if you have changed a new different SPI EEPROM part,
remember to entering EEPROM SET to setting up a correct one.
Don't think about SAMEPROG has detected the SPI EEPROM part number and setting for you.
or you will get failed after programming and verifying due to the wrong setting.