due to JEDEC has finaled JESD216 as a SFDP(Serial flash discoverable parameters) standard of Serial NOR flash (May 2011).
Reference link as below:
it's quite similar to parallel NOR flash's CFI,
no wonder that we have already implemented CFI in parallel NOR emulator,
it's easy for us to implement SFDP into SPI flash emualtor.
it's is easy to support a new SPI flash's SFDP parameter, just check on the SPI flash's specification and
key in the full paramerter tabel to get one (when you have not yet got the real flash chip sample).
if you have a real flash chip, just put it into SPI flash socket and insert into ZC2511, ZC2512 or ZC2502.
(be sure your SPI flash programmer has updated the latest firmware)
then plug the USB to your PC, an USB disk will show up and there will be extra 2 files included.
SPI1SFDP.BIN and SPI2SFDP.BIN. (depending on which SPI port you are inserted)
you can copy SPI1SFDP.BIN or SPI2SFDP.BIN directly to your own directory for future use.
if you just want to check on it, right click on Sameprog and select SFDP view item to see the parameter table.
when there is a new SPI flash part we have not yet supported on its SFDP, you can do it yourself now.
right click on SAMEFILE and select Device ID selection--->user define
create one your own with SPI flash vendor, part number, capacity and in the right lower there also have a SFDP Edit,
you can also check on the SPI flash spec and key in the patameter table yourself.
or just selecting the SPI1SFDP.bin that we have get from SPI flash programmer before. It would be more time saving.
and next time as you have selected this part's ID, SAMEFILE will load the mapping SFDP parameter table directly to SPI flash emulator
for your SPI host to access.